The Chaplain in Carndonagh Community School is Mrs. Serena Doherty ( The Chaplain can also be contacted through the Main Office. The school phone number is (074) 9374260 (ext. 145).
The role of the school Chaplain The school Chaplain is a faith presence in the school community, available to all students and staff. They accompany members of the school community on their journey through life. They will respond to the spiritual and religious needs of the students and the whole school community respecting the denominational, religious and personal convictions of all.
The Chaplain works in close co-operation with the Board of Management, Principal, R.E. Department, teachers and pupils, participating in pastoral care meetings, student support team, school planning, evaluation and in-service.
The school Chaplain exercises their pastoral role by: • Personal contact with individual students • Access to class groups • Provision of liturgical functions • Responding to the daily pastoral needs of the staff and students