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Activities for Science Week (7th-14th November)

Look out for competitions and activities running this week throughout the school.

Speak to your science teacher for more info!

LUNCHTIME EVENTS Make your own acrobatic clown or balancing butterfly, Thursday Lunchtime (from 1.35pm) for 1st Years in Room 322.

ROOM 302 - Ms. McGRORY Wednesday - Air Pressure - Imploding Can Experiment Thursday - Density Tower Friday - The Flame Test and a Science Kahoot Quiz

POSTER COMPETITION Get creative and enter the CCS annual poster competition. The theme is ‘Creating Our Future’- focusing on the role science will play in addressing the great challenges we face as a global community - from climate change and biodiversity to conservation and modern-day breakthroughs in medicine.

Judging and Rules:

  • Posters will be judged on creativity, how well they fit the theme and how well the poster has been made or drawn.

  • 3D or 2D models accepted.

  • A4 or A3 size entries only please.

  • They must be hand created; don't use templates. It must be your own design.

Submitting your design:

Please hand in your poster to Mr Curran in Room 512 by Monday, 15th November 2021. The three winners of the school competition will be announced shortly after that date.


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