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Stand Up Awareness Week - Monday 14th to Friday 18th November

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

There are lots of activities taking place in CCS as part of Stand Up Awareness Week which takes place from Monday 14th to Friday 18th November (see the schedule below). The aim of this week is for second-level schools in Ireland to take a stand against homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. This week is an opportunity to take steps to make our school a safe and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ young people. CCS is currently working towards achieving the LGBTQ+ Quality mark.

There is a Coloured Jumper Day this Friday 18th as part of Stand Up Week. Everyone is invited to wear a coloured jumper on Friday - any colour of choice. But don't go buying a jumper if you don't have a coloured one...Wearing your school jumper is fine too as it's blue!

We are planning the following activities in CCS:

  • CCS is currently working towards achieving the LGBTQ+ Quality mark for schools by December 2023.

  • Focus on LGBTQ+ issues in all Junior & Senior SPHE classes.

  • 40-minute LGBTQ+ workshops for 1st Years on Friday 18th November facilitated by Donegal Youth Service.

  • LGBTQ+ badges for 1st Year students distributed at the DYS workshops.

  • LGBTQ+ stickers for staff.

  • An LGBTQ+ flag for display in classrooms

  • The steps on the way up to the ARAS will be painted during the Christmas break.

  • LGBTQ+ ​flag flown on our school grounds.

  • LGBTQ+ stickers offered to students across all year groups distributed in SPHE classes.

  • LGBTQ+ Quality Mark survey circulated to all school stakeholders.


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