Jigsaw Donegal:
Get free, text-based support with a clinician online through 1:1 webchats.
Live group chat available every Wednesday from 4 to 5pm.
Call: (074) 9726920
Email: donegal@jigsaw.ie
Spunout is Ireland’s youth information website created by young people, for young people.
BeLonG To Youth Services:
Call: 01 670 6223 / email: info@belongto.org
CCS also has an LGBTQ+ club called Spectrum who meet once a week after school. Get in contact with a guidance counsellor if you would like to take part!
24/7 services:
Emergency services:
Call 999 or 112
Now Doc:
Call 1850 400 911
A charity set up to provide support for emotionally distressed people.
Freephone: 116123 or email: jo@samaritans.ie
Call Free: 1800 833 634 Free (24/7) / www.teenline.ie
Pieta House:
A one-to-one therapeutic service for people in suicidal distress, those who engage in self-harm and those who have experienced bereavement through suicide.
Call Free: 1800 247 247
Text: HELP to 51444
Pieta house Donegal:
Call: (074) 9126594
Text 50808:
Free 24/7 anonymous messaging service for people in crisis.
(50808 is funded by the HSE)
Mobile Apps:
MindShift CBT teaches about anxiety, helping users to engage in healthy
thinking and to take action.
Headspace teaches meditation and easy to use mindfulness skills.
Clear Fear:
Clear Fear uses CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) to focus on learning to breathe, relax and be mindful as well as changing thoughts and behaviours and releasing emotions.
Counselling and Other Supports:
Sexual violence helpline:
Call Free: 1800 778 888
Irish Hospice Foundation Helpline: 1800 807 077 (10am-1pm)
www.bereaved.ie / www.childhoodbereavement.ie
Have you been affected by Bereavement or Parental Separation? Rainbows offers a programme through Carndonagh Community School. Ask a guidance counsellor for more details. A 9-week programme, one hour per week.
HSE Drug and alcohol line:
Call Free: 1800 459 459 (9.30am - 5.30pm)
LGBT Ireland:
Call: 1890 929 539 / email: info@lgbt.ie
A charity that provides free peer based support for anyone who is
experiencing a mental health issue 1890 474 474 / email: info@grow.ie