...And the €100 HERO voucher for Term 1/January goes to Chloe McElhinney. The HERO Programme encourages students to be Here Every day, Ready and On time. It REALLY does pay to be in school!

January HEROes
Fionn Doherty 1A; Chloe Harkin 1B; Darragh O Donnell 1C;
Cara Anne McLaughlin 1D (missing from pic); Mya McColgan 1E; Reuben McElvaney 1F; Clodagh Lafferty 1G

Term 1 HEROes
Olivia McCandless 1A; Aisling McGonigle 1B; Faye Douglas 1C;
Mohammed Adel Manaa 1D; Danni Louise Doherty 1E; Brady Lynch 1F;
Clodagh Lafferty 1G